Note: In this photo they are at the altar, kneeling during a Catholic ceremony. I was shooting through and open door beyond the altar and out of view of the guests. Absolutely classic.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Stephenie and Mark...
The other weekend I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of Stephenie and Mark with Kristina Carter and Vrai Photography. Below are a couple of choice shots that I got from the day. Good people, good times and good photos; that's why I love what I do. Enjoy.
Note: In this photo they are at the altar, kneeling during a Catholic ceremony. I was shooting through and open door beyond the altar and out of view of the guests. Absolutely classic.

Note: In this photo they are at the altar, kneeling during a Catholic ceremony. I was shooting through and open door beyond the altar and out of view of the guests. Absolutely classic.
Monday, May 25, 2009
A New Series...
This is the first in a new series of posts. I'm going to begin sharing photos from weddings that I have shot. I will try to keep up with them as the weddings occur. Below is a favorite of mine that occurred on Michigan Ave. The bride in the shot was standing in front of a sign for Chicago and the Art Institute. I was fortunate enough to see it, move into a good position and capture the shot. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. This and more shots can be viewed in my portfolio on the Vrai website, check it out.
Totally Random...
So I was shooting a wedding a couple weeks back and the reception was at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and I was stopped by security and asked what I was doing. I stated that I was part of the wedding that was there on that day. The large gentleman that was behind the desk was fine with that answer, as he is just trying to get paid. The angry lady however, was not ok with it. She asked what I was doing for the wedding and I said I was the photographer. Mind you, and this is the key point, while I am being questioned probably 50-100 people walked in and were not asked a thing. So I have to get going and work, so I keep my mouth shut just so I can leave. I have to surrender my ID so they can type it all into a computer and I have to be photographed for a name badge! Whatev, I'll do it...sort of. I really had to put my foot down here for no real reason other than it was a complete joke...tons of people are walking right by me and I'm the only on that has to go through this (Kristina and Molly came later and also did not have to go through this.) So on the principle that it was ridiculous, I did my best not to be photographed. Below is the classic souvenir that I was left with. "Aaron Brouney Picture Man". Thank you completely and utterly incompetent security guards for at least allowing me many laughs in exchange for being hassled.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Some randoms from around the city....
Just a quick post with some shots that I have taken over the past year around Chicago. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tara and David...
The other day I had the absolute pleasure of shooting some photos for my friends Tara and Joe and their son David. Unfortunately Joe was at work, but Tara and David came by the house and hung out for the morning. We had a great time chatting and listening to David coo while I snapped away. These are some of my faves. The first shot of the five is one of the best captures I've had in my life as a photographer. The combo of difficulties (narrow depth of field of a 2.5 macro lens, a moving baby, manual exposure and focus) really make this a memorable shot for me. When I knew I had Tara reflected in David's eye, I was ecstatic. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Kristina's Maternity pics...
Pregnancy is undeniably one of the greatest processes and events that we as humans can experience. The changes that a woman (and the man) go through are nothing short of unbelievable. I have had the pleasure of seeing Tina go through this process. Below are some photos of her. We spent the day hitting a few choice spots here in Chicago and then went out to the Morton Arboretum. I hope these photographs convey the beauty and strength that Tina possesses each day on her road to becoming a mother. Much love to her and Baby Danger. Oh, and while posing for an idea she had, Tina took one of me too...ridiculous, always.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
The first of a work in progress...
As you can see from an earlier post, I have a rather unobstructed view of the Chicago skyline and the Sears Tower ("What you talkin' about Willis?"). So of course I get to see this view in all types of weather conditions including thunderstorms. With thunderstorms of course comes lightning and with that comes The Sears Tower getting absolutely hammered by some of the largest lightning bolts this weather geek has ever seen. This photo was taken last week when some cells moved through and delivered a quite a show. I was inside of my place due to the rain, so that is the reflections that you see and the spots are from the rain drops on the glass. This is a work in progress, but I still wanted to share this photo, as it is my first of a building being struck by lightning. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
In keeping with catching up....
I went to So ILL with my friends Bill and August a while back and wanted to put up some pics from the experience; unfortunately because of statute of limitations, extradition laws, PETA, the EPA, and respect for our loved ones; I'm only able to post this one picture. It is of August's shoes. He left them outside after a very long night that included his car "ending up" a couple thousand feet off of Chris' driveway and the nearest road (this can be verified by both a third and fourth party). These shoes perfectly capture the weekend and the night: beat up, left out, and came out clean...sort of.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Views from home....
So it's been a while since my last post, as I have been in the midst of a move to a new place and the beginning of wedding season. This post is a series of shots that I have taken over the last few weeks of the view from the porch. Those of you who know the residences that I have had over the past 10+ years as a full time climber may be slightly shocked to see that this is my view right now. But I find it no less wild and beautiful than the other views I've had...just very different. Enjoy and it's nice to be back.

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